Željko Turudić
Partner – Tax advisory
Current responsibilities: Željko Turudić is a manager in tax consulting and accounting. His focus is on Value added tax, Personal income tax, Corporate income tax, IFRS. He is responsible for control and implementation of the most complex projects in tax and accounting, as well as processes of tax audits. His working experience includes the most significant projects in implementing IFRS requirements, founding production accounting, analysing and solving tax issues, tax optimization. In addition, he is responsible for education and professional development of other employees.
Education and professional development: Master’s degree in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia- Module: Accounting, Auditing and Finance. He acquires professional expertise through active involvement at international tax and finance conferences in world’s leading countries.
Memberships: Member of Serbian Fiscal Society (SFS). He was a fellow of the renowned Serbian Business Club “Privrednik” from Belgrade.